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How to add a lucene query to elasticsearch?

Asked by Kimberly Esparza on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

You add annotation queries via the Dashboard menu / Annotations view. Grafana can query any Elasticsearch index for annotation events. You can leave the search query blank or specify a lucene query. The name of the time field, needs to be date field. Optional name of the time end field needs to be date field.
Keeping this in consideration,
Elasticsearch is used for a lot of different use cases: "classical" full text search, analytics store, auto completer, spell checker, alerting engine, and as a general purpose document store.
Furthermore, Elasticsearch is a real-time distributed highly scalable and open source full-text search and analytics engine. It is accessible from RESTful web service interface and uses schema-less JSON documents to store data. Elasticsearch is completely document-based search instead of schemas and tables.
Regular Expression Searches. Lucene supports regular expression searches matching a pattern between forward slashes "/". The syntax may change across releases, but the current supported syntax is documented in the RegExp class. For example to find documents containing "moat" or "boat": /[mb]oat/ Fuzzy Searches
ElasticSearch is a JSON database popular with log processing systems. For example, organizations often use ElasticSearch with logstash or filebeat to send web server logs, Windows events, Linux syslogs, and other data there. Then they use the Kibana web interface to query log events. All of this is important for cybersecurity, operations, etc.