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How to access the jwt bearer token in jwt middleware?

Asked by Andrew Crosby on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

Inside this event you can access the SecurityToken property of the TokenValidatedContext and cast it to a JwtSecurityToken. Once you have that, you can access the token from RawData add it as a claim to the ClaimsIdentity Now to access if from one of your controller actions, you can simply get the value of the “access_token” claim: 2.
JWTs are a convenient way to encode and verify claims. A Bearer token is just string, potentially arbitrary, that is used for authorization.
Also Know, As a JWT is included in a HTTP header, we've an upper limit (SO: Maximum on http header values) of 8K on the majority of current servers. As this includes all Request headers < 8kb, with 7kb giving a reasonable amount of room for other headers. The biggest risk to that limit would be cookies (sent in headers and can get large).
You could use a JWT as a CSRF token, but it would be needlessly complicated: a CSRF token doesn't need to contain any claims, or be encrypted or signed. There is probably a misunderstanding about what JWT or CSRF tokens are used for (I was confused at first too). The JWT is an access token, used for authentication.
Keeping this in consideration,
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