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How many days is too many for a sore throat?

Asked by Savannah Clark on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

However, a sore throat despite its cause should last between 7 to 10 days . Any sore throat symptoms lasting for more than ten days necessitate immediate doctor's attention for diagnosis and further treatment. This is because such sore throats can be underlying symptoms of serious illnesses such as throat cancer or even AIDS.
Any sore throat symptoms lasting for more than ten days necessitate immediate doctor’s attention for diagnosis and further treatment. This is because such sore throats can be underlying symptoms of serious illnesses such as throat cancer or even AIDS. Another common question is; how long does a sore throat last if it caused by a virus?
Subsequently, A sore throat is one of the most common reasons for a sick day and a doctor’s visit. At the first sign of scratchiness, you wonder if it will linger or fade away in a few days. If it’s simply a symptom of the cold or flu, it will probably go away as your flu subsides.
Sore throats caused by mononucleosis. Unlike sore throats caused by other viruses, those associated with mononucleosis can last for as long as one month. Mononucleosis is an infectious viral disease caused by the Epstein-Barr virus.
For example—a sore throat caused by persistent irritation such as smoking cigarettes or other toxic stuff, can last for the duration that the individual is exposed to the offending substance. However, a sore throat despite its cause should last between 7 to 10 days.