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How long does it take for real rust paint to rust?

Asked by Hayden Walter on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

All our products leave a different finish, however check out our new line 'REAL RUST', as this paint can rust before your very eyes, achieving full rust in under an hour once our activator is applied.
How long does it take Rust Converter to dry? Rust Converter will dry to the touch in approximately 20 minutes. Application of a second coating will ensure proper rust conversion. If possible, wait 24 hours before applying a second coat of Rust Converter to allow for curing.
Next, How quickly visible “rust” forms depends on many factors, both environmental and metallurgical. Under some conditions, rust will be visible within a few minutes of the object being exposed. Under other conditions, rust may not be visible for years.
Yes, you can paint over rust as long as you use a high quality paint or primer that is specifically designed to encapsulate rust. There are many lower cost (lower quality) consumer grade rust paints on the market that are designed to have you buy them over again in a relatively short period of time.
The time varies by the depth of the rust. Very light surface rust only takes 30 minutes. However, very deep rust may require an overnight soaking. Can I paint on Evapo-Rust to remove rust?