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How is the physical data design model different from database design?

Asked by Melany Knox on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

It does not concern itself with how the data will be stored or where it will be stored physically. The physical data design model involves translating the logical design of the database onto physical media using hardware resources and software systems such as database management systems (DBMS).
Physical Database Design 1 Physical Database Design Process. Physical database design is the process of transforming a data model into the physical data structure of a particular database management system (DBMS). 2 Conceptual, Logical, and Physical Data Models. ... 3 Transformation. ... 4 Database Definition Language (DDL) 5 Data Cubes. ...
Also Know, A Physical Data Model describes the database specific implementation of the data model. It offers an abstraction of the database and helps generate schema. This is because of the richness of meta-data offered by a Physical Data Model. This type of Data model also helps to visualize database structure.
Technicians sometimes leap to the physical implementation before producing the model of that implementation. This is unwise. A logical data model is required before you can even begin to design a physical database. And the logical data model grows out of a conceptual data model.
The first step in transforming a logical data model into a physical model is to perform a simple translation from logical terms to physical objects. Of course, this simple transformation will not result in a complete and correct physical database design – it is simply the first step. The transformation consists of the following: