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How is microsoft graph api used in microsoft 365?

Asked by Bryson Sheppard on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

It is a very powerful service in Microsoft 365 platform. Let start with some basics MS Graph API is a RESTful web API which enables you to access different Microsoft 365 cloud service resources through its unified programmability model. Microsoft Graph exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on the following Microsoft cloud services:
In fact,
The Microsoft Graph isn't only about Office 365, and Microsoft is rolling out more device-oriented features. These include its own Project Rome. Powering services like Windows 10's Timeline, Project Rome aims to link the document-centric side of the Microsoft Graph with its device model, allowing work to move between devices.
Additionally, The Office 365 Management APIs use Azure AD to provide secure authentication to Office 365 tenant data. To access the Office 365 Management APIs, you need to register your app in Azure AD, and as part of the configuration, you will specify the permission levels your app needs to access the APIs.
One may also ask,
@javiercn The code above is throwing ... Unhandled exception rendering component: Unable to activate type 'Microsoft.Graph.GraphServiceClient'. The following constructors are ambiguous: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to activate type 'Microsoft.Graph.GraphServiceClient'.
For existing apps calling the AAD Graph 0.5-0.9 versions you have until July 1, 2019 to migrate your app to Microsoft Graph API as these versions will be deprecated. NOTE: As we start removing support for non-GA versions of Azure AD Graph (versions 0.5-0.9) we will deprecate additional GA versions in the future.