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How is graphics + different from other digital art solutions graphics products?

Asked by Easton Stafford on Dec 04, 2021 FAQ

Graphics+ is a month-to-month membership with no contract or long-term commitment. How is Graphics+ different from other Digital Art Solutions graphics products? Graphics+ is a monthly graphics solution delivered to Smart Designer automatically. What file formats are available in each Graphics+ issue?
The major difference between Graphic design and digital media design is that the former is generally static (pictures, logos, etc.) while the latter involves movement (movies, animations, etc.) A small caveat is that digital media design does not only involve the visual arts.
Accordingly, Graphic design is a form of art that uses computer aided images to make designs for commercial and private markets. Most designers design things like labels, packaging, and even clothing graphics. Art is a process of designing and completing works of art on canvas, mixed media, sculpture, and photography.
Now, motion graphics is one of the newest types of design and can be found across all digital platforms, which has created all sorts of new areas and opportunities. Motion graphics designers begin by developing storyboards and then bring their concepts to life with animation, video and traditional art.
Also Know,
A digital graphic is an electronic image that can be used for a variety of different things, however the image does not always have to be used on electronic devices as it can be printed and used. Some examples of a digital graphic are magazines, posters, logos etc..