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How is ensemble learning used in machine learning?

Asked by Holden Pollard on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

Predictive models form the core of machine learning. Better the accuracy better the model is and so is the solution to a particular problem. In this post, you are going to learn about something called Ensemble learning which is a potent technique to improve the performance of your machine learning model. In this post you will cover:
Definition - What does Ensemble Learning mean? Ensemble learning is the use of algorithms and tools in machine learning and other disciplines, to form a collaborative whole where multiple methods are more effective than a single learning method. Ensemble learning can be used in many different types of research, for flexibility and enhanced results.
In fact, Types of Ensemble Methods in Machine Learning Sequential Methods. In this kind of Ensemble method, there are sequentially generated base learners in which data dependency resides. Parallel Method. In this kind of Ensemble method, the base learner is generated in parallel order in which data dependency is not there. Homogeneous Ensemble. ... Heterogeneous Ensemble. ...
Also Know,
The ensemble methods, also known as committee-based learning or learning multiple classifier systems train multiple hypotheses to solve the same problem. One of the most common examples of ensemble modelling is the random forest trees where a number of decision trees are used to predict outcomes.
Types of Machine Learning Models Classification. With respect to machine learning, classification is the task of predicting the type or class of an object within a finite number of options. Regression. In the machine, learning regression is a set of problems where the output variable can take continuous values. Clustering. ... Dimensionality Reduction. ... Deep Learning. ...