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How is a ponzi scheme similar to a pyramid scheme?

Asked by Ricardo Parker on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

A Ponzi scheme is similar to a pyramid scheme in that new members end up paying existing members. However, in a Ponzi scheme, there is no product to sell. Instead, a Ponzi scheme is an investment account where earlier investors earn a return as new investors join and contribute to the fund.
In fact,
Not all MLPs are Ponzi-like. However, it is unfortunate that the MLP sector is filled with Ponzi-like schemes, and skilled promoters that are going to leave legions of vulnerable investors broke ...
In respect to this, In addition, it's a legal service provider MLM, so it knows the legalities and upholds it. Thus, LegalShield is not a Pyramid and Ponzi Scheme.
Just so,
Definition of pyramid scheme. : a usually illegal operation in which participants pay to join and profit mainly from payments made by subsequent participants .
Ponzi schemes are investment cons which work on the premise of "Robbing Peter to pay Paul." They may not necessarily adopt a pyramid scheme's hierarchical structure, but they do promise high returns to existing investors by taking investment money from new blood.