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How is a policy.yaml file defined in yaml?

Asked by Kathryn Nunez on Dec 15, 2021 FAQ

A policy.yaml file is a text file in YAML (YAML Ain’t Markup Language) format. Each policy is defined by a one-line statement in the form "<target>" : "<rule>". The policy target, also named “action”, represents an API call like “start an instance” or “attach a volume”. Action names are usually qualified.
In this manner,
.yaml is apparently the official extension, because some applications fail when using .yml. On the other hand I am not familiar with any applications which use YAML code, but fail with a .yaml extension. I just stumbled across this, as I was used to writing .yml in Ansible and Docker Compose.
Besides, YAML - Introduction YAML Ain't Markup Language is a data serialization language that matches user’s expectations about data. It designed to be human friendly and works perfectly with other programming languages. It is useful to manage data and includes Unicode printable characters.
In respect to this,
Create or Configure a Pipeline using YAML On your computer, clone the Git repository that has the YAML file, or where you want host it. Create a file with the pipeline's YAML configuration. Save the file with the .yml extension in the .ci-build directory at the root of the cloned Git repository. Validate the local YAML file.
Variables can be defined in one YAML and included in another template. This could be useful if you want to store all of your variables in one file. If you are using a template to include variables in a pipeline, the included template can only be used to define variables.