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How is a command line interface different from a graphical user interface?

Asked by Spencer Atkinson on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

Compared with a graphical user interface, a command line interface requires fewer system resources to implement. Since options to commands are given in a few characters in each command line, an experienced user finds the options easier to access.
Just so,
GUI is known as Graphic User Interface while Command-line interface is the name for CLI. GUI uses external devices to enter instructions for the computer to predict while CUI uses text based commands which are entered in the command window. For a new user, GUI is easy to comprehend while CLI is complicated and difficult to get used to.
Moreover, Updated: 04/12/2021 by Computer Hope A GUI (graphical user interface) is a system of interactive visual components for computer software. A GUI displays objects that convey information, and represent actions that can be taken by the user. The objects change color, size, or visibility when the user interacts with them.
A command-line interface can run many programs, for example a batch file could launch half a dozen programs to do its task. An inexperienced user can sometimes find a command driven program difficult to use because of the number of commands that have to be learnt. An example of a common command driven interface is MS-DOS.
In respect to this,
There are three main types - command-line, menu driven and graphical user interface (GUI). A command-line interface allows the user to interact with the computer by typing in commands. The computer displays a prompt, the user keys in the command and presses enter or return.