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How does solr search work?

Asked by Preston Curry on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

The ApacheSolr search implements its own search that indexes node content into a Solr backend. You need to have a Solr instance running and this is separate from Drupal. Solr handles the actual indexing of content. The ApacheSolr module just sends the content to Solr at indexing time and sends search requests at search time.
In respect to this,
Solr works by gathering, storing and indexing documents from different sources and making them searchable in near real-time. It follows a 3-step process that involves indexing, querying, and finally, ranking the results - all in near real-time, even though it can work with huge volumes of data.
Also, Solr probably is not meant to be a DB but as a full text search solution. It is possible to store data in Solr. You can mark your fields as stored=true and the information would be maintained in Solr. Solr would store the data on the file system and any issues with the file system or Solr index can lead to loss of data.
Local parameters are arguments in a Solr request that are specific to a query parameter. Local parameters provide a way to add meta-data to certain argument types such as query strings. (In Solr documentation, local parameters are sometimes referred to as LocalParams.)
In addition,
Not only search, Solr can also be used for storage purpose. Like other NoSQL databases, it is a non-relational data storage and processing technology. In short, Solr is a scalable, ready to deploy, search/storage engine optimized to search large volumes of text-centric data.