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How does jwt.sign function in jwt work?

Asked by Kieran Hancock on Dec 06, 2021 FAQ

jwt.sign function takes the payload, secret and options as its arguments. The payload can be used to find out which user is the owner of the token. Options can have an expire time until which token is valid. The generated token will be a string. We are then sending the generated token back to the client in the response body.
The jwt.sign () function takes two parameters: secret: a secret key that we sign the token with. Only our server will know the secret, so we can verify that the token came from it in the future. Just before calling jwt.sign (), create the payload object.
Also Know, We can generate a JWT token in the backend that is specific to a user, pass this JWT token to the frontend, and then our frontend can send this token alongside requests to access protected API routes. JWT tokens can be given an expiration time.
Introduction Almost every web and mobile app nowadays has authentication. JWT is an authentication standard that works by assigning and passing around an encrypted token in requests that helps to identify the logged in user.
JWT-based User Sessions Let's start by introducing how JSON Web Tokens can be used to establish a user session: in a nutshell, JWTs are digitally signed JSON payloads, encoded in a URL-friendly string format. A JWT can contain any payload in general, but the most common use case is to use the payload to define a user session.