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How does brain mapping and neuro mapping work?

Asked by Cara Marsh on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

How Does Brain Mapping Work? Using a cap placed on the scalp, our software captures the electrical impulses in the brain. This method is known as an electroencephalogram (EEG). The results show brain wave patterns in different parts of the brain. The process takes about 15 minutes, and the data is then converted into a visual brain map report.
Keeping this in consideration,
From that brain map, a report is generated for each patient that shows the areas of dysfunction and the protocols recommended to address them. A customized system means more accurate training, faster results and happier patients. This results in a higher success rate and can lead to quality referrals and more business through your door.
In respect to this, The Clear Mind system includes the Neuro mapping feature, which gives you the whole picture for each patient in a detailed report. Also known as brain mapping, this process allows you to visualize inside the brain and identify very clearly the irregular brainwaves that cause neurological issues.
Using a cap placed on the scalp, our software captures the electrical impulses in the brain. This method is known as an electroencephalogram (EEG). The results show brain wave patterns in different parts of the brain. The process takes about 15 minutes, and the data is then converted into a visual brain map report.
Brain map recordings are processed through the FDA-approved normative database for comparison to "normal" results, which allows us to identify any abnormal areas that will require specific attention during neurofeedback treatment.