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How does allashua keep her promise in a promise is a promise?

Asked by Niklaus Klein on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

They insist that she must keep her promise, but the mother has a plan…Allashua invites the greedy Qallupilluit to a goodbye party for her children. While the Qallupilluit are busy at the party, Allashua takes her brothers and sister to the sea ice, but, of course, the Qallupilluit are not there.
At the beginning of the book, Allashua lies to her mother and breaks the promise she made to her mother by going to the cracks in the ice. If she had not gone down to the ice in the first place, then the Qallupilluit would not be after her and her siblings afterward.
Similarly, Despite her mother’s warning about the Qallupilluit, a creature that grabs children when they are too near the cracks in the ice, Allashua makes fun of the creatures. When the Qallupilluit appears, Allashua is faced with a dilemma and realizes the importance of keeping promises.
A Promise Is a Promise is about promises: making them, breaking them, and keeping them, and is also about honesty. Allashua is a girl who breaks a promise she made with her mother and goes fishing in the cracks in the ice.
One may also ask,
1. What promise was broken in the story? Allashua promised to go to the lake and not the ocean to fish. 2. What happened after the promise was broken? The Qallupilluit tried to drag her into the ocean. Allashua made a promise to return with her brothers and sisters.