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How does akka cluster work in

Asked by Kyson Potts on Nov 28, 2021 FAQ

Akka. Cluster extends the capabilities of both Pool and Group routers to work across entire clusters of Akka.NET applications, and can automatically add or remove routees as new nodes join and exit the cluster. How the gossip is used depends on the type of the router.
Akka.Cluster is concept-heavy, so let's clarify a few terms: Node: a logical member of a cluster. Cluster: a set of nodes joined through the membership service. Multiple Akka.NET applications can be a part of a single cluster.
Keeping this in consideration, Even if you're running multiple separate Akka.NET applications inside a single Akka.NET cluster, they must all share the same ActorSystem name - otherwise they will not be permitted to join the cluster. This is the most important concept within Akka.Cluster.
Under the hood, Akka.Remote powers Akka.Cluster, so anything you could do with Akka.Remote is also supported by Akka.Cluster. Generally, Akka.Remote serves as plumbing for Akka.Cluster and other "high availability" modules within Akka.NET.
In respect to this,
Petabridge.Cmd - a command-line interface for Akka.NET that we use for watching multiple nodes in the cluster all maintain their own eventually consistent, but independent views of the read-side data produced by Akka.Persistence.Query.