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How does a broker work in a celery system?

Asked by Dayana Andersen on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Celery communicates via messages, usually using a broker to mediate between clients and workers. To initiate a task the client adds a message to the queue, the broker then delivers that message to a worker. A Celery system can consist of multiple workers and brokers, giving way to high availability and horizontal scaling.
In fact,
Celery requires a solution to send and receive messages; usually this comes in the form of a separate service called a message broker. There are several choices available, including: RabbitMQ is feature-complete, stable, durable and easy to install. It’s an excellent choice for a production environment.
Also Know, Celery is… Task queues are used as a mechanism to distribute work across threads or machines. A task queue’s input is a unit of work called a task. Dedicated worker processes constantly monitor task queues for new work to perform. Celery communicates via messages, usually using a broker to mediate between clients and workers.
Celery is a distributed job queue that simplifies the management of task distribution. Developers break datasets into smaller batches for Celery to process in a unit of work known as a job. You deploy one or more worker processes that connect to a message queue (an AMQP or SQS based broker).
One may also ask,
New in version 2.0. celery events is a simple curses monitor displaying task and worker history. You can inspect the result and traceback of tasks, and it also supports some management commands like rate limiting and shutting down workers. This monitor was started as a proof of concept, and you probably want to use Flower instead.