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How do you make a protractor?

Asked by Alfredo Wiley on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

Making a Pocket Protractor Cut a sheet of paper into a square. Fold the paper in half. Fold the upper right corner into a triangle. Fold the bottom right corner up to form a second triangle. Fold the bottom left corner up. Label the angles on your protractor. Use your pocket protractor. Place your protractor on the angle you are trying to measure.
Measuring angles without a protractor is one of the fundamental aspects of geometry. Sine, cosine, and tangent are three concepts that will allow you to calculate an angle based solely on the lengths of two sides of a right triangle. You can form a right triangle out of any single angle with the help of a ruler and a pencil.
Subsequently, A protractor can also be used to draw angles. 1. Begin by using the protractor’s straight edge to draw the first ray. 2. Line up the endpoint of the ray with the crossed lines on the straight edge of the protractor. Follow the numbers on the curve and make a mark by the number of the angle you want to draw.
Also Know,
How do you use a protractor step by step? Align one arm of the angle to be measured with the baseline of the protractor. Align the vertex with the center of the protractor. Carefully observe the reading on the protractor where the other ray is pointing.
One may also ask,
Finally, why is a protractor called a protractor? Because that is the name given to a device used to measure angles. There are many types of protractors, depending on what you plan to do.