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How did jakarta, indonesia got its name?

Asked by Holden Lambert on Dec 05, 2021 FAQ

Its name 'Jakarta' derives from the word Jayakarta (Devanagari: जयकर्त) which is ultimately derived from the Sanskrit जय jaya (victorious) and कृत krta (accomplished, acquired), thus Jayakarta translates as 'victorious deed', 'complete act' or 'complete victory'.
In this manner,
The name also has a well-known meaning as “city of champion” or “city of the blessing”. Although, the real meaning is “the champion by an act or effort”. Jakarta was first known as a port of Sunda kingdom called Sunda Kalapa, located at the Ciliwung River.
Likewise, History of Jakarta. Jakarta is Indonesia's capital and largest city. Located on an estuary of the Ciliwung River, on the northwestern part of Java, the area has long sustained human settlement. Historical evidence from Jakarta dates back to the 4th century CE, when it was a Hindu settlement and port.
In addition,
Located on the northern coast of West Java, it is the center of government, commerce and industry and has an extensive communications network with the rest of the country and the outside world. Strategically positioned in the archipelago, the city is also the principal gateway to the rest of Indonesia.
Fatahillah then change the name of Sunda Kalapa to Jayakarta on 22 June 1527. It’s this date that is celebrated as Jakarta’s anniversary. The Dutch come by the end of the 16th Century and taken reign over Jayakarta by force. Jayakarta was then, renamed as Batavia. Batavia’s muddy region was likened to that of the Netherlands, their motherland.