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How can i use foreach in swiftui?

Asked by Kaylie Clay on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

ForEach in SwiftUI is a view struct in its own right, which means you can return it directly from your view body if you want. You provide it an array of items, and you may also need to tell SwiftUI how it can identify each of your items uniquely so it knows how to update them when values change.
That tells SwiftUI it can distinguish between views inside the ForEach by looking at their id property. As an alternative, if you make a struct that conforms to the Identifiable protocol you can just write ForEach (results).
Consequently, First off all, ForEach functions more like a generator or data provider than a view. Using ForEach also gives you access to data actions like onDelete (), onInsert () and onMove (), which List cannot. The ForEach structure can be used with any kind of view that can contain multiple subviews, like stacks.
One may also ask,
You will commonly find that you want to loop over a sequence to create views, and in SwiftUI that’s done using ForEach. Important: It’s easy to look at ForEach and think it’s the same as the forEach () method on Swift’s sequences, but this is not the case as you’ll see.
Also Know,
List view is a view that contains child views and displays them in a scrollable manner. SwiftUI offers two views with this capability, ScrollView and List. In the previous post, we learned two ways to populate a list view's content.