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How are foreach and foreach object used in powershell?

Asked by Emmaline Romero on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

PowerShell foreach loops and ForEach-Object. In PowerShell there's a keyword called foreach that's used for looping over collections such as arrays (technically pipelines). The cmdlet ForEach-Object is used for processing objects coming in via the pipeline. These objects are found in the special variable " $_ " inside the (process) ...
ForEach-Object -Parallel is not the same as the foreach language keyword. Don’t confuse ForEach-Object cmdlet with PowerShell’s foreach keyword. The foreach keyword does not handle piped input but instead iterates over an enumerable object. There is currently no parallel support for the foreach keyword.
Furthermore, ForEach-Object (with its aliases % and ForEach) take input from the pipeline. Although it is slower to process everything, it gives you the benefit of Begin, Process, and End blocks. In addition, it allows you to stream the objects to another command via the pipeline.
In fact, PowerShell also has a foreach loop of its own! These may be easily confused but are operationally quite different. The main visual difference is that the foreach loop cannot be used in a pipeline, but ForEach-Object can.
foreach is faster than ForEach-Object, but requires more memory, because all items ($folders) must be in memory. ForEach-Object processes one item at a time as they're passed through the pipeline, so it has a smaller memory footprint, but isn't as fast as foreach. See also.