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How are default values evaluated in elixir programming language?

Asked by Marvin Hinton on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

Every time the function is invoked and any of its default values have to be used, the expression for that default value will be evaluated: If a function with default values has multiple clauses, it is required to create a function head (a function definition without a body) for declaring defaults:
→Paul Butcher Author of Seven Concurrency Models in Seven Weeks Just like the Pickaxe book for Ruby, this book is the de facto standard for Elixir. Dave, in his impeccable style, provides a thorough coverage of the Elixir language, including data structures, macros, OTP, and even Dialyzer.
In addition, The reason for this behavior is that Elixir pattern-matches the arguments that a function is called with against the arity the function is defined with. Let’s think about how the data looks when it arrives to Greeter1.hello/1: Greeter1.hello/1 expects an argument like this:
In Elixir, and other functional programming languages, the combination of pattern matching and powerful standard 'collection' types provides a clean and simple means of returning multiple values from a single function or code block.
To create a string variable, simply assign a string to a variable − To print this to your console, simply call the IO.puts function and pass it the variable str − The above program generates the following result − You can create an empty string using the string literal, "".