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Do you know your mobile phone manufacturer, model and model?

Asked by Selene Richardson on Dec 08, 2021 FAQ

Most of the people know their mobile phone manufacturer name, brand name and model number but sometimes we gift cell phones to our relatives, parents and friends and those people might not be aware of the brand and model number of the phone. Although advance people can guess the brand of any mobile phone by just taking a look at the phone.
If you also want to try this method to know your mobile phone manufacturer company, brand name and model number, try following steps: 1. First of all you’ll need the IMEI number of your mobile phone. You can get it from the mobile phone box or your phone bill. Alternatively, you can get it using a simple code.
Likewise, Click the Menu button and select System Settings. Scroll down through the list toward the bottom. Tap About Phone. Locate your model name and number in the list.
Keeping this in consideration,
The easiest way to check your phone’s model name and number is to use the phone itself. Go to the Settings or Options menu, scroll to the bottom of the list, and check ‘About phone’, ‘About device’ or similar. The device name and model number should be listed.
On most phones, you can find your manufacturer and carrier in the Settings app. Open your device's Settings app. Tap About phone. To find manufacturer info, tap Model & hardware.