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Do you have to have mnemonic memory to have semantic memory?

Asked by Ariel Castro on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

“If a person possesses some semantic memory information, he obviously must have learned it, either directly or indirectly, at an earlier time, but he need not possess any mnemonic information about the episode of such learning,” he wrote.
Semantic memory is a form of long-term memory that comprises a person’s knowledge about the world. Along with episodic memory, it is considered a kind of explicit memory, because a person is consciously aware of the facts, meanings, and other information that it contains.
Besides, Episodic memories are consciously recollected memories related to personally experienced events. Episodic remembering is a dynamic process that draws upon mnemonic and non-mnemonic cognitive abilities in order to mentally reconstruct past experiences from retrieval cues.
Elaborate rehearsal is much more effective for encoding semantic memory. This includes creating a mental image to associate with the new memory, relating it to previous knowledge, taking notes while reading or listening to information, or creating mnemonic devices to remember information.
How does semantic memory change with age? Semantic memory ability seems to develop earlier in childhood than episodic memory (the memory for personal experiences). In older age, it tends to decline, on average, but remains more stable than episodic memory. What is personal semantic memory?