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Do you have to buy session to play session?

Asked by Stevie McIntyre on Dec 11, 2021 FAQ

Purchase only if you are comfortable with the current state of the unfinished game. Creativity and freedom of expression: This, is Session. Pure, raw skateboarding. Forget about hand holding or turbo timers, just go tame that concrete! This game is a work in progress. It may or may not change over time or release as a final product.
In this manner,
To host a console session on PC you must use the Microsoft store version of the game, not steam, and this will only work for Xbox. And I am not sure if the crossplay update has been pushed out yet or not, so it may not even be possible on Xbox for now.
One may also ask, A session musician is someone who comes on board to play during a “session” on stage or in the studio, but who is not part of the main act or band, or who makes a “one-off” contribution.
In apex legends you have a specific number of reopening the game i guess its like 3 or so every 24hrs, with the current session limit it makes it almost impossible to play the game wile enjoying it like we used to. so can you please up the seesion time limit to at least 3hrs. There is a simple fix for this issue. Just buy the premium access.
Session focuses on the authenticity of skating, both in the way the game feels and is presented to the player. Based on this philosophy, each feature makes the game even more innovative, fun and respectful to the skateboarding culture. In Session each stick represents your feet.