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Can you use powershell ise with powershell 7?

Asked by Frankie Stokes on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

The PowerShell ISE built into Windows works with Windows PowerShell only and is stuck at PowerShell version 5.1. Typically, when you want to use an editor to write PowerShell 7 code, Visual Studio Code and the PowerShell extension is the way to go. Still, you can make PowerShell ISE “talk” to PowerShell 7.
Powershell Script to Install Software Silently: To install a software application silently, then you must add a switch at the end of the powershell command “/s”, this will install the application silently in your system. You can also use this switch to install the application in the remote computer silently.
Also, When you install Windows PowerShell on a 64-bit computer, Windows PowerShell (x86), a 32-bit version of Windows PowerShell is installed in addition to the 64-bit version. When you run Windows PowerShell, the 64-bit version runs by default.
When working with on-premises Exchange there may be a requirement to create a PowerShell script using PowerShell ISE. Even if you run ISE on a ExchangeServer, you are unable to get the Exchange cmdlets in ISE. So whats theworkaround for this is?
Using PowerShell 7 inside PowerShell ISE - Power Tips - Power Tips - IDERA Community. The PowerShell ISE built into Windows works with Windows PowerShell only and is stuck at PowerShell version 5.1. Typically, when you want to use an editor to write PowerShell 7 code, Visual Studio Code and the PowerShell extension is the way to go.