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Can you run yii 1.x and yii 2 at same time?

Asked by Kolton Wolfe on Dec 15, 2021 FAQ

There are two ways to go about it , either you can run Yii 1.x and Yii 2 at the same time see using-yii-2-with-yii-1. Then migrate part by part, while it is possible it was quite bit of pain, like trying to rebuild the second floor while living on the third.
In respect to this,
Consider running both frameworks together (bridge) and have new development in Yii2 framework. This will give you enough time to rewrite your code. The old Yii1 code can be deprecated and replaced as the new Yii2 code is written.
Likewise, Thank you for choosing Yii - a high-performance component-based PHP framework. Note that Yii 1.1 has reached end of life and won't receive updates except security fixes. Please start new projects using Yii 2. Please make sure the release file is unpacked under a Web-accessible directory.
The script first includes the Yii framework bootstrap file yii.php. It then creates a Web application instance with the specified configuration and runs it. 1. Debug Mode A Yii application can run in either debug or production mode, as determined by the value of the constant YII_DEBUG.
One may also ask,
Note: Yii 2 requires PHP 5.4 or above. You should make sure that both your server and the existing application support this. First, install Yii 2 in your existing application by following the instructions given in the last subsection. Because both Yii 1 and Yii 2 have the Yii class, you should create a customized version to combine them.