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Can you replace a locking zipper slider with a non locking one?

Asked by Genesis Bennett on Dec 07, 2021 FAQ

However, as long as you choose the same size and type slider, the locking vs. non-locking choice is up to personal preference. So even if your original slider was locking, you can replace it with a non-locking slider as long as the other aspects of the slider match the original.
Locking is where the slider remains stagnant, without moving up and down the chain unexpectedly. Generally, zipper sliders can be seen in the following categories based on the locking mechanism:
Likewise, Zipper Slider Replacement Guide So you don’t need to replace a whole zipper, just the slider? Replacing a zipper slider - sometimes called a pull tab or a zipper head - is usually a much easier repair than a full zipper replacement.
If your zipper do not have the metal stoppers, or you do not want to reattach it, you may have to use the hand sewing needle and thread to make stopping stitches at the bottom of the zippers – basically a bar tacking stitch across the zipper teeth. The sliders are called sliders for a reason. They are waiting to slide down from the zipper.
Replacing a zipper slider - sometimes called a pull tab or a zipper head - is usually a much easier repair than a full zipper replacement. Great news, right? However, there are still several questions to answer to determine the correct part to use.