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Can you change the name of an event in fullcalendar?

Asked by Ronald Ballard on Dec 03, 2021 FAQ

Beyond dragging an event to a different time/day, you cannot change an event's name or other associated data. It is up to you to add this functionality through FullCalendar's API.
In addition to the fields above, you may also include your own non-standard fields in each Event object. FullCalendar will not modify or delete these fields. For example, developers often include a description field for use in callbacks like event render hooks. Any non-standard properites are moved into the extendedProps hash during event parsing.
Next, The FullCalendar module accepts three variables: one for the Title of the event, one for the Date of the event, and one for the URL to load when the event is clicked. Currently we are using the content title and event date field, and the content URL is automatically extracted for the URL.
In respect to this,
The jQuery UI Theme is lighter, while the FullCalendar theme is a little more dark. I'll open the calendar, and show you the difference.) [x] Open events in same window (Currently, when you click on an event, the event node is opened in a new window.
A JavaScript object that FullCalendar uses to store information about a calendar event. It is exposed in various places of the API such as getEventById and provides methods for dynamic manipulation. It was originally parsed from a plain object.