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Can a tukui theme work with a healer actionbar?

Asked by Mack Day on Nov 28, 2021 FAQ

You can set all sorts of layouts for all the different themes! So a Tukui theme with a healer actionbar layout is easily possible. The same goes for the UnitFrames, from the UnitFrames section you can choose between MaxUI and Tukui styled Unitframes, and they work with all themes, and all the layout settings.
- position topleft, center, and topright done, embed and bottom positions to be done. - new position system with dropdown menu. - size somewhat smaller because of base tukui settings. - Locator adjusted with new function, for now same functionality.
Consequently, - all MaxUI tools like the buff tracker, or the game menu are now available for Tukui through the datatext system, enable them and set them as one of the datatexts. - you can apply Combat state and mouseover functionality on a lot of tukui elements and off course MaxUI's.
- update Shadowlands, recommended to do a complete reset, /tukui reset in game and rebuild the UI. A lot has changed in comparison to the old 8.0 versions, both Tukui and MaxUI had a big overhaul. The new config from Classic has been ported and extended. There is still some development to be done but the MaxUI is Shadowlands ready!
In this manner,
Shift and mouse over the cornered buttons, will show an arrow to hide the chat (like ElvUI does). ◆ "Request Stop" button that appears while on flight path. ◆ "Notifiers" add a small arrow and percentage beside the vertical xp/rep statusbars.