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Can a stock market crash cause a housing market crash?

Asked by Jasmine O’brien on Dec 01, 2021 FAQ

An event or series of small uncontrollable financial events can cause housing purchase demand to retreat as people withdraw from big-ticket purchases. A stock market crash could coincide with the housing event and stock prices are highly inflated, not supported by real earnings.
The downturn could coincide with political changes, or a economic crisis, or a stock market crash. It might not. Below are 26 major factors that could play into a crash of home prices in 2023.
In fact, The most recent stock market crash was the result of a credit crisis caused by excessive housing loans of poor quality. The stock market crashed in tandem with an extreme tightening of credit and a precipitous drop in housing values in many areas.
That means if the stock market crashes what happens to real estate may be very little. But the economic situation in 2008 was far from normal. It seems incredible that a downturn in the U.S. housing market could have global implications.
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The 19th-century housing market had several upswings, followed by crashes of different intensities. The Panic of 1837 crash is attributed to speculative lending practices, unsustainably high land prices, and an economic downturn. That was a big crash.