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Can a short term memory become a long term memory?

Asked by Nia Hampton on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

On the other hand, memories that are not recalled often can sometimes weaken or even be lost or replaced by other information. Through the process of association and rehearsal, the content of short-term memory can become long-term memory.
A few specific foods have also been found to help short-term memory. Chocolate may the most delicious way to improve your memory. A study at Harvard Medical School found that drinking two cups of hot chocolate increased blood flow to the brain for 2-3 hours resulting in better working memory test scores.
In this manner, In some ways, human memory and computer memory are similar. For example, some general characteristics of human short-term memory resemble those of a computer's random access memory (RAM). As discussed elsewhere on this site, human short-term memory is volatile and has a limited capacity. Computer RAM has essentially the same characteristics.
Short-term memory is part of working memory, but is not the same thing as working memory. An example of working memory is playing a video game, for example. Video games often require players to learn new information, retain that information, and then utilize the information in order to play the game properly.
Keeping this in consideration,
Experts have long suspected that part of the process of turning fleeting short-term memories into lasting long-term memories occurs during sleep .