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Can a polymorphism block the breakdown of hnmt?

Asked by Blaze Waller on Dec 09, 2021 FAQ

A polymorphism that blocks HNMT prevents the breakdown of histamine, just like an SNP in the DAO enzyme will cause histamine to accumulate. Either way, your histamine builds up too high. Sometimes even if you don’t have an SNP, it’s still possible to have malfunctioning and lead histamine build up!
Although HNMT is not the sole reason as to why we get HIT and why our body is accumulating histamine, this gene cannot be underestimated. In a healthy individual, histamine is broken down on a regular basis by two enzymes: DAO and HNMT. HNMT plays an important role in regulating histamine as it breaks down histamine on an intracellular level.
Also Know, Postmortem studies also have indicated that HNMT expression is altered in human brain diseases. These findings emphasise that an increase in brain histamine levels by novel HNMT inhibitors could contribute to the improvement of brain disorders. Keywords: diamine oxidase, histamine, histamine H3receptor, histamine N-methyltransferase
The A939G HNMT polymorphism is associated with autoimmune MG, while no association with C314T SNP was found. The results of this study indicated that Histamine N-methyltransferase Thr105Ile polymorphism is associated Parkinson's disease. Lack of the association of HNMT Thr105Ile functional polymorphism with Alzheimer's disease is found.
In respect to this,
Also, HNMT is the key enzyme for degrading histamine in the bronchial epithelium. 3 Bronchoconstriction and asthma attacks may be triggered by ingestion of high histamine foods. А single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the HNMT gene will cause histamine to build up.