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Are there good bots and bad bots in the world?

Asked by Caden Harrison on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

Manually curated list of legitimate and questionable user agents. Includes researched information and useful notes about good and bad bots and crawlers. Herr Bischoff's Bot Database
Although bots have gotten a bad rap in recent years due to how hackers have used them in various cybersecurity threats, there are actually good bots that can be really beneficial for the website and the users. The most common example is the crawler bots owned by the major search engines, like Google’s Googlebot.
Subsequently, In general, bot activity is already something that most organizations have been dealing with for years. However, what’s worrisome is the traffic that comes from the “bad bots” — the bots that have been appropriated by malicious actors to serve as tools for various hacking and fraud campaigns. The most common uses for bad bots include:
The most common uses for bad bots include: Web scraping — Hackers can steal web content by crawling websites and copying their entire contents. Fake or fraudulent sites can use the stolen content to appear legitimate and trick visitors.
Types of bad bots include credential stuffing bots, content scraping bots, spam bots, and click fraud bots. What is robots.txt? Good bot management starts with properly setting up rules in a website's robots.txt file.