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Are there arrays of references or arrays of functions?

Asked by Lilianna Ford on Nov 29, 2021 FAQ

There are no arrays of references or arrays of functions. Applying cv-qualifiers to an array type (through typedef or template type manipulation) applies the qualifiers to the element type, but any array type whose elements are of cv-qualified type is considered to have the same cv-qualification.
And a function can be declared to take a reference to an array parameter, as follows: Passing an array to a function that takes an array by reference does not decay the array to a pointer and preserves the array size information. Moreover, we can create aliases to arrays to make their references more palatable.
In this manner, That's because references are not objects and doesn't occupy the memory so doesn't have the address. You can think of them as the aliases to the objects. Declaring an array of nothing has not much sense. References are not objects. They don't have storage of their own, they just reference existing objects.
Just so,
Get support for JavaScript, NodeJS, SQL, Databases, Docker, and more. Arrays are not “passed by reference by default”. In C++, C-style arrays are only passed by reference when the function’s parameter is a reference to an array (or to a suitable template parameter).
If you want the array to store elements of any type, you can specify object as its type. In the unified type system of C#, all types, predefined and user-defined, reference types and value types, inherit directly or indirectly from Object. type[] arrayName;