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Are there any limitations to using webview and uiwebview?

Asked by Santos Huff on Dec 14, 2021 FAQ

And there’s no easy way to discover which apps are dependent on WebView. There are many limitations of WKWebview, especially if you were using UIWebView previously. The limitations are: Cookies don’t persist. This is a WebKit bug, but someone has created a plugin for a workaround.
The WKWebView is not able to load local files but this feature is available in UIWebView. The UIWebView load only one time and data get saved in cookies so that next time loading time will be less as compared to previous time whereas in WKWebView no cookies will get saved so always loading time will be same.
Indeed, UIWebView generally worked perfectly for many years. It doesn’t have cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) policies for local files like its successor. Because Cordova works by loading local files from the apps bundle into the WebView it was a very convenient to use by app developers.
This warning was still a warning and would not prevent you from publishing your app at the time. A few months after this, Apple announced that as of April 2020 they reject new apps still referencing UIWebView. For updates to apps the deadline is December 2020. Of course, we want to be ready well before then, and we are.
In respect to this,
Xamarin.UITest provides APIs for locating and interaction with views in native mobile applications. However, some mobile apps are hybrid apps that use webviews to display HTML to the user. Android provides the android.webkit.WebView, while iOS applications may use either UIWebView or WKWebView.