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Are there any language specific features in clang?

Asked by Stevie Sellers on Nov 30, 2021 FAQ

In addition to language specific features, Clang has a variety of features that depend on what CPU architecture or operating system is being compiled for. Please see the Target-Specific Features and Limitations section for more details.
Keeping this in consideration,
Not only is Clang a compiler for the C language family, but it is also an infrastructure to build tools. Thanks to its library based architecture, which makes the reuse and integration of new features more flexible and easier to integrate into other projects. Like many other compilers design, Clang compiler has three phase:
Accordingly, Currently, clang is divided into the following libraries and tool: 1 libsupport - Basic support library, from LLVM. 2 libsystem - System abstraction library, from LLVM. 3 libbasic - Diagnostics, SourceLocations, SourceBuffer abstraction, file system caching for input source files. More items...
This is a short introduction on what is clang and how it can be used. The Clang project provides a language front-end and tooling infrastructure for languages in the C language family (C, C++, Objective C/C++, OpenCL, CUDA, and RenderScript) for the LLVM project.
In this manner,
(11): Prior to Clang 8, this feature is not enabled by -std=c++20, but can be enabled with -fchar8_t. Clang has support for some of the features of the C++ standard following C++20, informally referred to as C++2b.