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Are there any interactive widgets in pycharm professional edition?

Asked by Elijah Spencer on Dec 10, 2021 FAQ

Interactive widgets are now supported in PyCharm. One of the most commonly used NoSQL databases is now supported by the database tools included in PyCharm Professional Edition. We’ve completed support for all Python 3.8 features: you can now expect PyCharm-grade code completion when you use TypedDicts.
Professional feature: download PyCharm Professional to try. PyCharm supports interactive widgets that provide integration between Python code running in the notebook kernel and JavaScript running in the browser. Refer to the Jupyter widgets documentation for more details about the variety and specifics of interactive widgets.
Moreover, PyCharm Educational Edition can be used in MOOCs, self-studying courses or traditional programming courses. In addition to going through interactive courses, you can also use normal Python projects and the integrated Python console, as well as the debugger, VCS, and everything else that PyCharm already offers.
You should now see an intereractive prompt you can use inside the console (allowing you to interact with the running code) As mentioned in the OP, to just get an interactive python prompt outside a running script, in the main menu bar select Tools->Python Console You can set the PyCharm then it runs the same as PyScripter.
In fact,
Apart from these, the free version of PyCharm has a magnitude of other great features that will undoubtedly keep the users busy and interested at all times. In fact, almost all free versions of IDE’s are designed in ways that make the user get drawn into the world of programming and down a specific path as well.