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Are there any free tags for barbershop tags?

Asked by Holden Lambert on Dec 12, 2021 FAQ

This site contains 4466 freely-downloadable Barbershop tags, with more being added every day. Many tags come complete with learning tracks, sheet music - even video clips of them being sung. Most of the tags are in the Barbershop style (male or female voicing), but there are also SATB and other a cappella tags available. It's all free!
More recently, Daniel Gillis from Vocal Harmonies (professional producer of fine a cappella learning tracks) went to the enormous effort of singing learning tracks for each of the 125 tags in that booklet. He generously published them on his website – freely available for the Barbershop public to download.
Moreover, The female counterparts to the Barbershop Harmony Society include Sweet Adelines International (SAI), Harmony, Inc (HI), and others. Mixed (male and female) Barbershop groups exist, but are not common. For more information, visit the Wikipedia page .
The most well-known expression of this musical style is the "Barbershop quartet", the contemporary form of which has shed its twee image of four men with moustaches, striped suits and boater hats, and is now sleek, professional, musically sophisticated entertainment. Groups of men larger than four can also sing Barbershop music.
Groups of men larger than four can also sing Barbershop music. Organised groups are usually known as "choruses" and are found in most North American cities, as well as in Australia/New Zealand, Great Britain and several countries in Europe.