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Are there any duplicates in the qaqc data?

Asked by Dylan Contreras on Dec 02, 2021 FAQ

• ¼ core duplicate analyses compared to ½ core original samples • Analyzed by 30 g fire assay • Data show poor reproducibility • Also show a bias toward higher grades in original ½ core samples • These uncertainties carry through to the resource estimate Vancouver  MEG, December 15, 2016 Data from George NI43‐101 Technical report dated 2010
In fact,
For example every 10th sample is a blank, every 25th sample is a standard, every 50th sample is a core duplicate. These QA/QC samples are inserted and sent to the lab as if they were actual rock samples – the lab does not know they are blanks/standards or duplicates.
Subsequently, QA/QC of Geochemical Data. Quality assurance (QA) is a proactive approach to ensuring that chemical analyses of rock and soil samples are correct and accurate. QA systems and procedures occur before a batch of samples is sent to the laboratory for analysis.
One may also ask,
•“The QAQC protocols meet current industry best practice.” •“Paired field duplicate data suggest that the gold grades are difficult to reproduce by fire assay….However this trend is not uncommon in gold deposits with highly variable grades.” •“In the opinion (of the QP), the data are sufficiently reliable for the purposes of resource estimation.”
Possible causes can be operational (e.g. a salesperson registered the same customer multiple times), technical (e.g. an IT bug led to customer accounts being created twice) or related to data manipulations (e.g. an intermediary data table is built in such a way that there are duplicate rows).