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How is flask-admin inspired by django admin?

Asked by Cyrus Reilly on Dec 02, 2021 Django

It is inspired by the django-admin package, but implemented in such a way that the developer has total control of the look, feel and functionality of the resulting application. Out-of-the-box, Flask-Admin plays nicely with various ORM’s, including
The project was recently moved into its own organization. Please update your references to [email protected]:flask-admin/flask-admin.git. Flask-Admin is a batteries-included, simple-to-use Flask extension that lets you add admin interfaces to Flask applications.
Similarly, Both Django and Flask are hugely popular among Python programmers. Django is a full-stack web framework for Python, whereas Flask is a lightweight and extensible Python web framework. Django is developed based on batteries-included approach.
I see that Flask-AppBuilder has far more commits in Github, while Flask-Admin many more stars. How to tell the difference, without spending too much time with the wrong choice? I am the developer of Flask-AppBuilder, so maybe a strong bias here. I will try to give you my most honest view.
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