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How to sign an app in android xamarin?

Asked by Cillian Cannon on Dec 15, 2021 Android

Once you export the app, you can copy the file: C:\Users\ EricSchrader \AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\Keystore\ DevOps Then you can update the build pipeline to use the keystore file and password (password stored in Library variable for security) Then simply run the build and grant access to the Variables group.
Get Started with Xamarin.Android 1 Setup and Installation. Get Xamarin.Android set up and running in Visual Studio. ... 2 Hello, Android. ... 3 Hello, Android Multiscreen. ... 4 Xamarin for Java Developers. ... 5 Video
Keeping this in consideration, Click Create to create the new certificate: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\Keystore\ALIAS\ALIAS.keystore For example, using chimp as the alias, the above steps would create a new signing key in the following location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Xamarin\Mono for Android\Keystore\chimp\chimp.keystore
In addition,
Firebase Cloud Messaging – Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) is a service that facilitates messaging between mobile apps and server applications. Firebase Cloud Messaging can be used to implement remote notifications (also called push notifications) in Xamarin.Android applications.
We wanted to see the benefits this would have on Xamarin, and to our surprise we saw some magnificent results! Here we have an APK that was 39.4MB using a traditional upload to Google Play. After creating an Android App Bundle instead, we cut our app download size to 23.3MB!