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XML DOM Summary

May 27, 2021 XML DOM

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You've learned XML DOM, so what do you do now?

Now that you've completed the XML DOM tutorial, what more do you need to do next? Let's see.

XML DOM Summary

XML DOM defines the criteria for accessing and operating XML.

According to the DOM, everything in the XML document is a node.

The text in the element node is stored in a text node.

XML DOM treats XML documents as tree structures. The tree structure is called the node tree.

In a node tree, parents, children, and peer are used to describe relationships.

All modern browsers have built-in XML parsers that can be used to read and manipulate XML.

With XML DOM properties and methods, you can access each node in the XML document.

Important node properties: nodeName, nodeValue, and nodeType.

Returns the node list object when using properties or methods like childNodes or getElementsByTagName().

Different browsers are different when processing line-changing or space characters between nodes.

To ignore empty text bytes between element nodes, you can check the node type.

A node can navigate using a node's relationship.

Our XML DOM instance also provides a summary of the XML DOM tutorial.

What's next?

Our advice is to learn XSLT.

If you want to learn more about validating XML, we recommend learning about DTD and XML Schema.

Below is a short description of each topic.

XSLT (XML Style Sheet Language Conversion)

XSLT is the style sheet language for XML files.

By using XSLT, you can convert XML documents to other formats, such as XHTML.

If you would like to learn more about XSLT, please visit our XSLT tutorial.

XML DTD (Document Type Definition)

The purpose of DTD is to define legitimate elements, properties, and entities in an XML document.

By using DTD, each XML file can carry a description of its own format with it.

DTD can be used to confirm that the data you receive and your own data is valid.

If you want to learn more about DTD, visit our DTD tutorial.

That's the whole story of the XML DOM tutorial, thank you for reading!