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WordPress installs plug-ins

May 15, 2021 WordPress

In this chapter, we'll learn how to install WordPress plug-ins. I t's really easy to install plug-ins. A ll plug-ins are free to download; The only condition is that the plug-in must be in the WordPress directory.
Here are the easy steps to installing a plug-in in WordPress.

Step (1) - Click Plugins → Add New.

WordPress installs plug-ins

Step (2) - Enter the desired plug-in name in the theme box that appears on the following screen. The list of plug-ins related to the plug-in name appears as shown on the following screen.

WordPress installs plug-ins

Select the plug-in you want to use. H ere, we searched all in one SEO Packplugin, which happens to be the first plug-in, as shown on the previous screen. Click the "Install" button to install the plug-in on your website.
Step (3) - The plug-in automatically starts downloading and installing.

WordPress installs plug-ins

Click activate the plug-in on your website to activate the plug-in, which makes your task easier to use.
Step (4) - Once activated, you will see the installed plug-in in the list of plug-ins, as shown on the screen below.

WordPress installs plug-ins