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WordPress edits labels

May 15, 2021 WordPress

In this chapter, we'll look at editing tags in WordPress. /b10> You can learn how to add tags in wordPress - Add Tags chapter.

Here are some easy steps to edit your tags in WordPress.

Step (1) - Click Posts in WordPress → Tags.

WordPress edits labels

Step (2) - You can view labeled foods around the world (food created around the world in Wordpress - Add Tags section). W hen the cursor hovers over the label, several options appear below the label name. There are two ways to edit labels, editing and editing quickly
Edit - Click the editing options in the label section, as shown on the screen below.

WordPress edits labels

You can edit any required fields and click the Update button, as shown in the following screen.

WordPress edits labels

The label fields here are the same as in WordPress - Add Labels chapter.

Quick Edit - Click on the Quick Edit option in the tab section, as shown in the screenshot below.

WordPress edits labels

Here, you can only edit the name of the label and the bullet, as shown on the screen below, and then click the Update Tag button.

WordPress edits labels