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Vant Sku product specifications

May 07, 2021 Vant

Table of contents


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Sku } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      show: false,
      sku: {
        // 数据结构见下方文档
      goods: {
        // 数据结构见下方文档
      messageConfig: {
        // 数据结构见下方文档

Custom stepr


Advanced usage

  <!-- 自定义 sku-header-price -->
  <template slot="sku-header-price" slot-scope="props">
    <div class="van-sku__goods-price">
      <span class="van-sku__price-symbol"></span><span class="van-sku__price-num">{{ props.price }}</span>

  <!-- 自定义 sku actions -->
  <template slot="sku-actions" slot-scope="props">
    <div class="van-sku-actions">
      <!-- 直接触发 sku 内部事件,通过内部事件执行 onBuyClicked 回调 -->



Parameters Description Type The default
v-model Whether sku is displayed boolean false
Sku Merchandise sku data object -
goods Product information object -
goods-id Product id number | string -
price-tag The label that appears after the price string -
hide-stock Whether to display the remaining inventory of the item boolean false
hide-quota-text Whether to display a limited purchase prompt boolean false
hide-selected-text Whether to hide the selected prompt boolean false
stock-threshold Inventory threshold. Below this value will highlight the number of inventory boolean 50
show-add-cart-btn Whether to display the Add Shopping Cart button boolean true
buy-text Buy button text string 立即购买
add-cart-text Add cart button text string 加入购物车
quota Limit purchases, 0 means unlimited purchases number 0
quota-used The quantity that has been purchased number 0
reset-stepper-on-hide Reset the selected number of items when hiding boolean false
reset-selected-sku-on-hide Reset the selected sku when you hide boolean false
disable-stepper-input Whether to disable the stepr input boolean false
close-on-click-overlay Whether to close after tapping the matte layer boolean false
stepper-title Quantity selects the document on the left side of the component string 购买数量
custom-stepper-config The custom configuration associated with the stepr object {}
message-config Message-related configuration object {}
get-container Specify the mounted node, using an example string | () => Element -
initial-sku The sku selected by default, with specific reference to advanced usage object {}
show-soldout-sku Whether to show sold-out sku, the default display is to display the same gray boolean true
safe-area-inset-bottom v2.2.1 Whether to turn on the bottom safety zone to fit boolean false
start-sale-num v2.3.0 The number of starting sales number 1
properties v2.4.2 The attribute of the product array -


The name of the event Description Callback parameters
add-cart Click to add a shopping cart callback skuData: object
buy-clicked Click to buy a callback skuData: object
stepper-change Triggered when the number of purchases changes value: number
sku-selected Triggered when switching specification classes { skuValue, selectedSku, selectedSkuComb }
sku-prop-selected Triggered when switching product properties { propValue, selectedProp, selectedSkuComb }
open-preview Trigger when you open a preview of the product picture data: object
close-preview Trigger when you close the preview of the product picture data: object


Ref allows you to get to the Sku instance and call the instance method, as detailed in the component instance method

The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
getSkuData Gets the current skuData - skuData
resetSelectedSku v2.3.0 Reset the selected specification to the initial state - -


By default, the Sku component is divided into chunks that are defined as slots that can be replaced on demand. The block order can be found in the table below:

Name Description
sku-header Product information display area, including product pictures, names, prices and other information
sku-header-price Custom sku header price display
sku-header-origin-price Custom sku header original price display
sku-header-extra Extra sku head area
sku-body-top Content above the sku showcase, no default presentation, on demand
sku-group Merchandise sku display area
extra-sku-group Additional merchandise sku display area, generally not available
sku-stepper The quantity selection area for goods
sku-messages Merchandise message area
sku-actions The action button area

Sku object structure

sku: {
  // 所有sku规格类目与其值的从属关系,比如商品有颜色和尺码两大类规格,颜色下面又有红色和蓝色两个规格值。
  // 可以理解为一个商品可以有多个规格类目,一个规格类目下可以有多个规格值。
  tree: [
      k: '颜色', // skuKeyName:规格类目名称
      v: [
          id: '30349', // skuValueId:规格值 id
          name: '红色', // skuValueName:规格值名称
          imgUrl: '', // 规格类目图片,只有第一个规格类目可以定义图片
          previewImgUrl: '', // 用于预览显示的规格类目图片
          id: '1215',
          name: '蓝色',
          imgUrl: '',
          previewImgUrl: '',
      k_s: 's1' // skuKeyStr:sku 组合列表(下方 list)中当前类目对应的 key 值,value 值会是从属于当前类目的一个规格值 id
  // 所有 sku 的组合列表,比如红色、M 码为一个 sku 组合,红色、S 码为另一个组合
  list: [
      id: 2259, // skuId,下单时后端需要
      price: 100, // 价格(单位分)
      s1: '1215', // 规格类目 k_s 为 s1 的对应规格值 id
      s2: '1193', // 规格类目 k_s 为 s2 的对应规格值 id
      s3: '0', // 最多包含3个规格值,为0表示不存在该规格
      stock_num: 110 // 当前 sku 组合对应的库存
  price: '1.00', // 默认价格(单位元)
  stock_num: 227, // 商品总库存
  collection_id: 2261, // 无规格商品 skuId 取 collection_id,否则取所选 sku 组合对应的 id
  none_sku: false, // 是否无规格商品
  messages: [
      // 商品留言
      datetime: '0', // 留言类型为 time 时,是否含日期。'1' 表示包含
      multiple: '0', // 留言类型为 text 时,是否多行文本。'1' 表示多行
      name: '留言', // 留言名称
      type: 'text', // 留言类型,可选: id_no(身份证), text, tel, date, time, email
      required: '1', // 是否必填 '1' 表示必填
      placeholder: '' // 可选值,占位文本
  hide_stock: false // 是否隐藏剩余库存

The structure of the properties object

  [ // 商品属性
      k_id: 123, // 属性id
      k: '加料', // 属性名
      is_multiple: true, // 是否可多选
      v: [
          id: 1222, // 属性值id
          name: '珍珠', // 属性值名
          price: 1, // 属性值加价
          id: 1223,
          name: '椰果',
          price: 1,

InitialSku object structure

  // 键:skuKeyStr(sku 组合列表中当前类目对应的 key 值)
  // 值:skuValueId(规格值 id)
  s1: '30349',
  s2: '1193',
  // 初始选中数量
  selectedNum: 3,
  // 初始选中的商品属性
  // 键:属性id
  // 值:属性值id列表
  selectedProp: {
    123: [1222]

Goods object structure

goods: {
  // 商品标题
  title: '测试商品',
  // 默认商品 sku 缩略图
  picture: ''

CustomStepperConfig object structure

customStepperConfig: {
  // 自定义限购文案
  quotaText: '每次限购xxx件',
  // 自定义步进器超过限制时的回调
  handleOverLimit: (data) => {
    const { action, limitType, quota, quotaUsed, startSaleNum } = data;

    if (action === 'minus') {
      Toast(startSaleNum > 1  ? `${startSaleNum}件起售` : '至少选择一件商品');
    } else if (action === 'plus') {
      // const { LIMIT_TYPE } = Sku.skuConstants;
      if (limitType === LIMIT_TYPE.QUOTA_LIMIT) {
        let msg = `单次限购${quota}件`;
        if (quotaUsed > 0) msg += `,你已购买${quotaUsed}`;
      } else {
  // 步进器变化的回调
  handleStepperChange: currentValue => {},
  // 库存
  stockNum: 1999,
  // 格式化库存
  stockFormatter: stockNum => {},

messageConfig Data Structure

messageConfig: {
  // 图片上传回调,需要返回一个promise,promise正确执行的结果需要是一个图片url
  uploadImg: () => {
    return new Promise((resolve) => {
      setTimeout(() => resolve('!100x100.jpg'), 1000);
  // 最大上传体积 (MB)
  uploadMaxSize: 3,
  // placeholder 配置
  placeholderMap: {
    text: 'xxx',
    tel: 'xxx',

Add the skuData object structure received by the shopping cart and click the Buy Callback function

skuData: {
  // 商品 id
  goodsId: '946755',
  // 留言信息
  messages: {
    message_0: '12',
    message_1: ''
  // 另一种格式的留言,key 不同
  cartMessages: {
    '留言1': 'xxxx'
  // 选择的商品数量
  selectedNum: 1,
  // 选择的 sku 组合
  selectedSkuComb: {
    id: 2257,
    price: 100,
    s1: '30349',
    s2: '1193',
    s3: '0',
    stock_num: 111,
    properties: [
        k_id: 123,
        k: '加料',
        is_multiple: true,
        v: [
            id: 1223,
            name: '椰果',
            price: 1
    property_price: 1

Example demonstration