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Vant Notify message tip

May 07, 2021 Vant

Table of contents


import Vue from 'vue';
import { Notify } from 'vant';


Code demo

Basic usage


The type of notification

The four notification types, primary, success, warning, and danger, are supported, defaulting to danger

// 主要通知
Notify({ type: 'primary', message: '通知内容' });

// 成功通知
Notify({ type: 'success', message: '通知内容' });

// 危险通知
Notify({ type: 'danger', message: '通知内容' });

// 警告通知
Notify({ type: 'warning', message: '通知内容' });

Custom notifications

Customize the color and presentation time of message notifications

  message: '自定义颜色',
  color: '#ad0000',
  background: '#ffe1e1'

  message: '自定义时长',
  duration: 1000

In-component calls

When the Notify component is introduced, the method is automatically mounted on Vue'$notify, making it easy to call within the component.

export default {
  mounted() {



The method name Description Parameters Returns a value
Notify Show tips options | message Notify instance
Notify.clear Turn off the prompt - void
Notify.setDefaultOptions Modify the default configuration to take effect for all Notify options void
Notify.resetDefaultOptions Reset the default configuration to take effect for all Notify - void


Parameters Description Type The default
type v2.1.6 Type, the optional value primary success warning string danger
message Show the document, support through \n line string -
duration The presentation time (ms), when the value is 0, notify does not disappear number | string 3000
color The font color string white
background The background color string -
className Custom class name any -
onClick The callback function when clicked Function -
onOpened A fully displayed callback function Function -
onClose The callback function when closed Function -

Example demonstration