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TypeScript Symbols

May 07, 2021 TypeScript

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Introduction to TypeScript Symbols

Since ECMAScript 2015, symbol become a new native type, just number string string.

symbol of the symbol type Symbol by the Symbol constructor.

let sym1 = Symbol();

let sym2 = Symbol("key"); // 可选的字符串key

Symbols is imm changed and unique.

let sym2 = Symbol("key");
let sym3 = Symbol("key");

sym2 === sym3; // false, symbols是唯一的

Like strings, symbols can also be used as keys for object properties.

let sym = Symbol();

let obj = {
    [sym]: "value"

console.log(obj[sym]); // "value"

Symbols can also be combined with calculated property name declarations to declare properties and class members of an object.

const getClassNameSymbol = Symbol();

class C {
       return "C";

let c = new C();
let className = c[getClassNameSymbol](); // "C"

It is well known as Symbols

In addition to user-defined symbols, there are already well-known built-in symbols. Built-in symbols are used to represent behavior within the language.

Here's a list of these symbols:


method, which is instanceof the instanceof operator. Constructor objects are used to identify whether an object is an instance of it.


Boolean value, which indicates whether an array element of an object can be expanded when Array.prototype.concat is called on an object.


Method, for-of statement. Returns the object's default iterator.


Method, String.prototype.match Regular expressions are used to match strings.


Method, String.prototype.replace Regular expressions are used to replace matching substrings in strings.

Method, The regular expression returns the index of the matched part in the string.


The function value, which is a constructor. Used to create derived objects.


Method, String.prototype.split Regular expressions are used to split strings.


Method, ToPrimitive abstract operation. Convert the object to the appropriate original value.


Method, called by the Object.prototype.toString Returns the default string description when the object was created.


Object, its own properties are with by the with scope.