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Go language operator

May 11, 2021 Go

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Go language operator

Operators are used to perform mathematical or logical operations while the program is running.

The operators built into the Go language are:

  • Arithmetic operator
  • The relationship operator
  • The logical operator
  • Bit operator
  • The assignment operator
  • Other operators

Let's take a closer look at the description of the operators.

Arithmetic operator

The following table lists arithmetic operators for all Go languages. Suppose the A value is 10 and the B value is 20.

Operator Describe Instance
+ Add The output of A-B is 30
- Subtraction A - B output -10
* Multiply A-B output 200
/ Divide B /A output 2
% Ask for more B % A output 0
++ Self-increase The output result is 11
-- Self-reducing A- Output 9

The following example demonstrates the use of individual arithmetic operators:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

   var a int = 21
   var b int = 10
   var c int

   c = a + b
   fmt.Printf("第一行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )
   c = a - b
   fmt.Printf("第二行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )
   c = a * b
   fmt.Printf("第三行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )
   c = a / b
   fmt.Printf("第四行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )
   c = a % b
   fmt.Printf("第五行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )
   fmt.Printf("第六行 - c 的值为 %d\n", a )
   fmt.Printf("第七行 - c 的值为 %d\n", a )

The results of the above instance run:

第一行 - c 的值为 31
第二行 - c 的值为 11
第三行 - c 的值为 210
第四行 - c 的值为 2
第五行 - c 的值为 1
第六行 - c 的值为 22
第七行 - c 的值为 21

The relationship operator

The following table lists the relationship operators for all Go languages. Suppose the A value is 10 and the B value is 20.

Operator Describe Instance
== Check that the two values are equal, or false if equal return True. False
!= Check that the two values are not equal, or false if true is not returned equally. (A! . . B) is True
> Check that the value on the left is greater than the value on the right, or false if true is returned. (A and B) is False
< Check that the value on the left is less than the value on the right, or false if true is returned. (A slt; B) is True
>= Check that the value on the left is greater than or equal to the value on the right, or false if true is returned. (A and B) is False
<= Check that the value on the left is less than or equal to the value on the right, or false if true is returned. (A slt;?B) is True

The following example demonstrates the use of relationship operators:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var a int = 21
   var b int = 10

   if( a == b ) {
      fmt.Printf("第一行 - a 等于 b\n" )
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("第一行 - a 不等于 b\n" )
   if ( a < b ) {       fmt.Printf("第二行 - a 小于 b\n" )    } else {       fmt.Printf("第二行 - a 不小于 b\n" )    }         if ( a > b ) {
      fmt.Printf("第三行 - a 大于 b\n" )
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("第三行 - a 不大于 b\n" )
   /* Lets change value of a and b */
   a = 5
   b = 20
   if ( a <= b ) {       fmt.Printf("第四行 - a 小于等于  b\n" )    }    if ( b >= a ) {
      fmt.Printf("第五行 - b 大于等于 b\n" )

The results of the above instance run:

第一行 - a 不等于 b
第二行 - a 不小于 b
第三行 - a 大于 b
第四行 - a 小于等于  b
第五行 - b 大于等于 b

The logical operator

The following table lists the logical operators for all Go languages. Assume that the A value is True and the B value is False.

Operator Describe Instance
&& Logical AND operator. I f the number of operations on both sides is True, the condition is True, otherwise false. (A and B) is False
|| Logical OR operator. If the number of operations on both sides has a True, the condition is True, otherwise false. (A || B ) true
! Logical NOT operator. If the condition is True, the logical NOT condition False, otherwise true. ! ( A and B) is True

The following example demonstrates the use of logical operators:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var a bool = true
   var b bool = false
   if ( a && b ) {
      fmt.Printf("第一行 - 条件为 true\n" )
   if ( a || b ) {
      fmt.Printf("第二行 - 条件为 true\n" )
   /* 修改 a 和 b 的值 */
   a = false
   b = true
   if ( a && b ) {
      fmt.Printf("第三行 - 条件为 true\n" )
   } else {
      fmt.Printf("第三行 - 条件为 false\n" )
   if ( !(a && b) ) {
      fmt.Printf("第四行 - 条件为 true\n" )

The results of the above instance run:

第二行 - 条件为 true
第三行 - 条件为 false
第四行 - 条件为 true

Bit operator

Bit operators operate on binary bits of integers in memory.

The following table lists the bit operators, |, and calculations for :

P Q p & q p | Q p ^ q
0 0 0 0 0
0 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1

Suppose A is 60; B = 13; I ts binary number is converted to:

A = 0011 1100

B = 0000 1101


A&B = 0000 1100

A|B = 0011 1101

A^B = 0011 0001

~A  = 1100 0011

The bit operators supported by the C language are shown in the table below. Suppose A is 60 and B is 13:

Operator Describe Instance
& Bit-by-bit and operator "and" are bipedal operators. I ts function is to participate in the operation of the two numbers corresponding to the two-bit phase. The result is 12 and the binary is 0000 1100
| By bit or operator "|" i s a bicep operator. Its function is to participate in the operation of the two numbers corresponding to the two-bit phase or (A | B) The result is 61 and the binary is 0011 1101
^ The bit-by-bit or operator """" is a bicep operator. Its function is that the two numbers involved in the operation correspond to each other, or when the two corresponding bits are different, the result is 1. The result is 49 and the binary is 0011 0001
<< The left-shift operator is a bipedal operator. M oving n bits to the left is the nth square multiplied by 2. I ts function shifts the two bits of the operation number on the left of the "lt;lt;" to several bits to the left, and specifies the number of moving digits by the number on the right side of the "lt;"lt;", discarding the high position, and filling 0 with the low bit. The result is 240 and the binary is 1111 0000
>> The right-shift operator, " T he n-bit shift to the right is divided by the n-square of 2. I ts function is to shift all two bits of the number of operations on the left of the " to the right, and the number to the right of the " specifies the number of bits to move. The result is 15 and the binary is 0000 1111

The following example demonstrates the use of logical operators:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

   var a uint = 60  /* 60 = 0011 1100 */  
   var b uint = 13  /* 13 = 0000 1101 */
   var c uint = 0          

   c = a & b       /* 12 = 0000 1100 */ 
   fmt.Printf("第一行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )

   c = a | b       /* 61 = 0011 1101 */
   fmt.Printf("第二行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )

   c = a ^ b       /* 49 = 0011 0001 */
   fmt.Printf("第三行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )

   c = a << 2     /* 240 = 1111 0000 */    fmt.Printf("第四行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )     c = a >> 2     /* 15 = 0000 1111 */
   fmt.Printf("第五行 - c 的值为 %d\n", c )

The results of the above instance run:

第一行 - c 的值为 12
第二行 - c 的值为 61
第三行 - c 的值为 49
第四行 - c 的值为 240
第五行 - c 的值为 15

The assignment operator

The following table lists assignment operators for all Go languages.

Operator Describe Instance
= A simple assignment operator that assigns the value of an expression to a left value The result of the A-B expression is assigned to C
+= Add it up and assign it C s A is equal to C s C s A
-= Subtract and assign C - - A equals C - C - A
*= Multiply and assign C
/= Divide and assign C /-A is equal to C-C/A
%= Ask for the rest before assigning the value C %-A is equal to C-C %A
<<= Shift left to assign a value C slt;lt;2 is equal to C-lt;lt;2
>>= The assignment is made after the right shift C is equal to C and C, and 2 is equal to C
&= Assign by bit and back C and 2 are equal to C and C and 2
^= Assign values by bit difference or after C s 2 is equal to C s C s 2
|= Assign by bit or back C | is equal to C is equal to C | 2

The following example demonstrates the use of assignment operators:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var a int = 21
   var c int

   c =  a
   fmt.Printf("第 1 行 - =  运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c +=  a
   fmt.Printf("第 2 行 - += 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c -=  a
   fmt.Printf("第 3 行 - -= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c *=  a
   fmt.Printf("第 4 行 - *= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c /=  a
   fmt.Printf("第 5 行 - /= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c  = 200; 

   c <<=  2    fmt.Printf("第 6行  - <<= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )     c >>=  2
   fmt.Printf("第 7 行 - >>= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c &=  2
   fmt.Printf("第 8 行 - &= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c ^=  2
   fmt.Printf("第 9 行 - ^= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )

   c |=  2
   fmt.Printf("第 10 行 - |= 运算符实例,c 值为 = %d\n", c )


The results of the above instance run:

第 1 行 - =  运算符实例,c 值为 = 21
第 2 行 - += 运算符实例,c 值为 = 42
第 3 行 - -= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 21
第 4 行 - *= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 441
第 5 行 - /= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 21
第 6行  - <<= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 800 第 7 行 - >>= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 200
第 8 行 - &= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 0
第 9 行 - ^= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 2
第 10 行 - |= 运算符实例,c 值为 = 2

Other operators

The following table lists other operators in the Go language.

Operator Describe Instance
& Returns the variable storage address &a; The actual address of the variable is given.
* The pointer variable. *a; is a pointer variable

The following example demonstrates the use of other operators:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var a int = 4
   var b int32
   var c float32
   var ptr *int

   /* 运算符实例 */
   fmt.Printf("第 1 行 - a 变量类型为 = %T\n", a );
   fmt.Printf("第 2 行 - b 变量类型为 = %T\n", b );
   fmt.Printf("第 3 行 - c 变量类型为 = %T\n", c );

   /*  & 和 * 运算符实例 */
   ptr = &a    /* 'ptr' 包含了 'a' 变量的地址 */
   fmt.Printf("a 的值为  %d\n", a);
   fmt.Printf("*ptr 为 %d\n", *ptr);

The results of the above instance run:

第 1 行 - a 变量类型为 = int
第 2 行 - b 变量类型为 = int32
第 3 行 - c 变量类型为 = float32
a 的值为  4
*ptr 为 4

Operator priority

Some operators have a higher priority, and binary operators are moved from left to right. The following table lists all operators and their priorities, representing the highest to lowest priorities from top to bottom:

Priority Operator
7 ^ !
6 * / % <> & &^
5 + - | ^
4 == != < = >
3 <-
2 &&
1 ||

Of course, you can temporarily elevate the overall operation priority of an expression by using parentheses.

The results of the above instance run:

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
   var a int = 20
   var b int = 10
   var c int = 15
   var d int = 5
   var e int;

   e = (a + b) * c / d;      // ( 30 * 15 ) / 5
   fmt.Printf("(a + b) * c / d 的值为 : %d\n",  e );

   e = ((a + b) * c) / d;    // (30 * 15 ) / 5
   fmt.Printf("((a + b) * c) / d 的值为  : %d\n" ,  e );

   e = (a + b) * (c / d);   // (30) * (15/5)
   fmt.Printf("(a + b) * (c / d) 的值为  : %d\n",  e );

   e = a + (b * c) / d;     //  20 + (150/5)
   fmt.Printf("a + (b * c) / d 的值为  : %d\n" ,  e );  

The results of the above instance run:

(a + b) * c / d 的值为 : 90
((a + b) * c) / d 的值为  : 90
(a + b) * (c / d) 的值为  : 90
a + (b * c) / d 的值为  : 50