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Apache Kafka installation steps

May 26, 2021 Apache Kafka

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Here are the steps to install Java on the machine.

Step 1 - Verify the Java installation

Hopefully you've installed java on your machine, so you just need to verify it using the command below.

$ java -version

If java is successfully installed on your machine, you can see the installed version of Java.

Step 1.1 - Download JDK

If you are not downloading Java, download the latest version of JDK by visiting the link below and downloading the latest version.

The latest version is now JDK 8u 60, and the file is "jdk-8u60-linux-x64.tar.gz". /b10> Please download the file on your machine.

Step 1.2 - Extract the file

Typically, the file being downloaded is stored in the download folder, verified, and the tar settings are extracted using the following commands.

$ cd /go/to/download/path
$ tar -zxf jdk-8u60-linux-x64.gz

Step 1.3 - Move to the selection directory

To make java available to all users, move the extracted java content to usr/local/java/folder.

$ su
password: (type password of root user)
$ mkdir /opt/jdk
$ mv jdk-1.8.0_60 /opt/jdk/

Step 1.4 - Set the path

To set the path JAVA_HOME variables, add the following command to the .bashrc file.

export JAVA_HOME =/usr/jdk/jdk-1.8.0_60
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin

All changes are now applied to the currently running system.

$ source ~/.bashrc

Step 1.5 - Java substitution

Use the following command to change Java Alternatives.

update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_60/bin/java 100

Step 1.6 - Now verify java with the verification command (java -version) described in step 1.

Step 2 - ZooKeeper frame installation

Step 2.1 - Download ZooKeeper

To install the ZooKeeper framework on your computer, visit the link below and download the latest version of zooKeeper.

The latest version of ZooKeeper is now 3.4.6 (ZooKeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz).

Step 2.2 - Extract the tar file

Use the following commands to extract the tar file

$ cd opt/
$ tar -zxf zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz
$ cd zookeeper-3.4.6
$ mkdir data

Step 2.3 - Create a profile

Use the command "conf/ zoo.cfg" to open a profile named conf/zoo .cfg and set all of the following parameters as a starting point.

$ vi conf/zoo.cfg

Once the profile is successfully saved and returned to the terminal again, you can start the zookeyer server.

Step 2.4 - Start the ZooKeeper server

$ bin/ start

After executing this command, you will get a response like the following -

$ JMX enabled by default
$ Using config: /Users/../zookeeper-3.4.6/bin/../conf/zoo.cfg
$ Starting zookeeper ... STARTED

Step 2.5 - Start the CLI

$ bin/

After entering the command above, you will be connected to the zookeyer server and will receive the following response.

Connecting to localhost:2181
Welcome to ZooKeeper!
WatchedEvent state:SyncConnected type: None path:null
[zk: localhost:2181(CONNECTED) 0]

Step 2.6 - Stop the Zookeeper server

After connecting the server and doing everything, you can use the following command to stop the zookeeper server -

$ bin/ stop

Now you've successfully installed Java and ZooKeeper on your machine. /b10> Let's take a look at the steps to install Apache Kafka.

Step 3 - Apache Kafka installation

Let's continue with the following steps to install Kafka on your machine.

Step 3.1 - Download Kafka

To install Kafka on your machine, please click on the link below -

Now the latest version, kafka_2.11-, will be downloaded to your computer.

Step 3.2 - Unzip the tar file

Use the following command to extract the tar file -

$ cd opt/
$ tar -zxf kafka_2. tar.gz
$ cd kafka_2.

You have now downloaded the latest version of Kafka on your machine.

Step 3.3 - Start the server

You can start the server by giving the following command -

$ bin/ config/

After the server starts, you'll see the following response on the screen:

$ bin/ config/
[2016-01-02 15:37:30,410] INFO KafkaConfig values: = 30000
log.roll.hours = 168 = 0.9.0.X
log.preallocate = false = PLAINTEXT

Step 4 - Stop the server

After all the operations have been performed, the server can be stopped using the following command -

$ bin/ config/

Now that we've discussed Kafka installation, we can learn how to do the basics of Kafka in the next chapter.